Договор купли продажи экскаватора погрузчика

ДОГОВОР КУПЛИ-ПРОДАЖИ НА КВАРТИРУ (Перевод на английский язык) | Автор топика: Adriane

Это первый вариант перевода, более-менее "свежий" типовой договор, за 2019 год
Kyiv, the seventeenth of May, year two thousand and eleven
We, the undersigned, the citizen of Ukraine, IVANOV SERGEY SERGEYEVICH (date of birth ______, passport _______ issued by Zhovtnevyy Department of Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kyiv September 10, 1998, taxpayer ID number ________, registered in Kyiv, ______ str.
57/3), hereinafter referred to as “SELLER”, on the one side, and the citizen of Ukraine, SIDOROV IVAN IVANOVICH (date of birth _____, passport ______ issued by Svyatoshinskyy Department of Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kyiv December 08, 2009, taxpayer ID number ________, registered in Kyiv, ______ str. 57/3), hereinafter referred to as “BUYER”, on the other side, having a knowledge of legislation in force, realizing the meaning of actions taken and acting prudently and without any compulsion (either physical or moral) have concluded this agreement on the following:
1. IVANOV SERGEY SERGEYEVICH has sold and SIDOROV IVAN IVANOVICH has bought an APARTMENT number 83 (eighty three) which is located in Kyiv, ________str., building 4/2 (four/two). The apartment consists of TWO living rooms with the total area of 52,40 square meters and living floor area of 29,90 square meters.
The mentioned apartment is a property of the SELLER, IVANOV SERGEY SERGEYEVICH, passed onto him as a deed of gift No.585 certified by private notary of Kyiv Sidorov Y.G. on 10th March 2019 and have been registered in Kyiv City Technical Inventory and the Immovable Property Registration Bureau, log book _____, entry No.____ dated March 24, 2019, registration No._______.
2. The fixed price agreed is 637 600 (six hundred thirty seven thousand and six hundred) UAH which is equivalent to 80 000 (eighty thousand) US dollars based on official exchange rate of 1USD=7,97UAH. The SELLER obtained this money from the BUYER prior to signing of this agreement.
3. The BUYER became a lawful owner of the apartment when the agreement is certified by the notary and registered.
4. The SELLER declares that nobody is registered in the mentioned apartment, nobody lives there, and apartment is free from any kind of BUYER’s belongings and goods. The mentioned apartment can be used by the BUYER starting from May 17, 2019.
5. In accordance with the data provided in the Abstract from the State Registry of Interests in and Dealings with Immovable Property issued by Kyiv City Technical Inventory and the Immovable Property Registration Bureau on 25 April 2019 (registration record No.______), the cost of an apartment for sale is 63 639 UAH.
6. I (SELLER) guarantee that the apartment for sale is free of any hidden defects. The subjected apartment has not previously been sold, rented, passed onto the third party as a deed of gift, bonded or arrested. I also declare that I have never given any oral or written promises to any third parties to sell or alienate this apartment. Besides, I assure that I am selling a debt-free apartment (all the dues and outgoings in respect of the said flat are paid) which is my private property what is confirmed by the deed of gift provided to the SELLER.
7. I (BUYER) declare that currently I am married and my wife (SIDOROVA LUDMILA VOLODYMYRIVNA, born on ______) has provided the written consent for purchasing of the mentioned apartment (record No.____) filed and stored in the notary's archives.
8. We, SELLER and BUYER, confirm that this deal purely meets our real intentions and can’t be treated as alleged or ill-intentioned.
9. The alienated apartment has been previously examined by the BUYER. Neither defects nor deficiencies which can be treated as serious enough to prohibit further use of the said apartment have been detected and recorded during in-depth examination.
10. It is agreed between the SELLER and BUYER that all expenses and agreement registration charges shall be borne and paid in equal parts.
11. Both sides are familiar with the Tax Code of Ukraine, Section 4 (Taxing of Income or Gains from the Alienation of Immovable Property) and Articles 203, 215, 229-231, 233-235, 631, 655, 657, 659, 660, 717, 721, 722, 727 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, Articles 60, 65 of Family Code of Ukraine as well as legal effects faced when the real cost of alienated apartment is hidden. Both sides are also familiar with Point 7 of “Rules And Regulations Respecting The Living Quarters and House Territory” approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 08, 1992 No.572 with amendments and supplements introduced based on resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.45 dated December 24, 2006. The SELLER shall pay a property tax of 5% prescribed by the Tax Code of Ukraine.
12. The mandatory pension insurance fees and charges prescribed by the Law of Ukraine “On Mandatory Pension Insurance Contributions” are covered by the BUYER.
13. This agreement has been drawn up in three original copies. One original copy is given to the BUYER (registration form VRI No._____), the second original copy (with the consent of the BUYER) is given to the SELLER (registration form VRI No._____) and the last one is stored in the notary's office - Kiev private notary __________(T.Shevchenko avenue 56, Kyiv).
14. I, IVANOV SERGEY SERGEYEVICH, declare that no children are registered in this apartment.
I, the notary, have checked whether any children under the age of 18 are registered in this apartment (reference No.___ issued by ______, ID35848119 dated May 13, 2019). No children are registered.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement on the date set forth above.
SELLER _________________(signed)__________
BUYER _________________(signed)__________
[This agreement is registered by private notary __________and signed by both sides in her presence. Log book registration No.____ dated May 19, 2009]

Tags: Договор купли продажи экскаватора погрузчика

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Стоимость услуги – 500 Евро.
Стоимость автомобиля/спецтехники формируется так:

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В деталях схема работы изложена в Договоре. Ниже приведены основные моменты.

Когда мы находим автомобиль/спецтехнику (Поиск грузовых авто/спецтехники), мы связываемся с продавцом автомобиля и уточняем все детали, касающиеся: документальной части (дата выпуска, тех. параметры, прохождение регламентных сервисных работ и т.п.);технического состояния; внешнего вида; конечную цену автомобиля/спецтехники.
Мы связываемся с покупателем и передаем всю имеющуюся у нас информацию. Если авто/спецтехника по предварительному описанию удовлетворяет запросам покупателя, мы организовываем осмотр.
Осмотр – это: а). визуальный осмотр на предмет состояния узлов и агрегатов авто/спецтехники б). диагностика двигателя и рабочих агрегатов «на глаз и слух»;
Во время осмотра мы связываемся с покупателем по телефону и передаем всю информацию об автомобиле/спецтехнике. По результатам осмотра мы составляем Акт осмотра.

1. Если автомобиль/спецтехника по результатам осмотра удовлетворяет требованиям покупателя, мы заключаем от имени покупателя договор купли-продажи. Покупатель производит оплату за автомобиль/спецтехнику банковским переводом на счет продавца.

2. Если автомобиль/спецтехника не соответствует запросам покупателя, то оплачивается только проезд для осмотра - 1 Евро/км. __________________________________________

Ставка на перевозку автовозом грузового авто весом до 8 тонн ( фургоны, холодильники, трактора, погрузчики и т.п.) - от 0, 6 Евро/км в зависимости от типа и грузоподъемности. Договор перевозки

Стоимость перевозки негабаритной техники (экскаваторы, бульдозеры, строительная техника и т.п.) рассчитывается по запросу.

Стоимость перегона своим ходом автомобиля полной массой свыше 5 тонн - от 0, 6 Евро/км в зависимости от типа и грузоподъемности. Затраты на оформление документов для перегона 150-300 Евро.
Стоимость наших услуг при покупке автомобиля/спецтехники без осмотра 300 Евро. Схема работы по покупке грузовой техники без осмотра детально описана в Договоре.
При перевозке автомобиля/спецтехники паромом из Любека (Германия) до Санкт-Петербурга стоимость перегона своим ходом до порта - от 1, 2 Евро/км в зависимости от типа и грузоподъемности. Стоимость перевозки негабаритной техники до порта спецтранспортом рассчитывается по запросу.

Грузовая техника доставляется на таможенные терминалы в Минск, Москву и Санкт-Петербург. Таможенная пошлина оплачивается после прибытия.


ПРИМЕР расчета затрат:
Грузовой автомобиль полной массой 18 тонн находится в г. Франкфурт-Майн в 150 км от г. Фулда.

Осмотр, оформление документов на покупку - 500 Евро

Проезд для осмотра 150 км×1 Евро/км - 150 Евро

Перегон своим ходом до Минска 1700 км× 1 Евро/км -1700 Евро

Оформление документов для перегона – 150 Евро

Итого расходов: 500 + 150 + 1700 + 150 = 2500 Евро
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